Striving Forward as Producer of New Knowledges.
The ODL modules developed for LeSMaT (Borderless) include interactive curriculum resources on Edmodo social learning platform and LAMS that serve as comprehensive guide for ‘Training of Trainers’ (TOT) who are mainly teachers or educators to facilitate students’ networking blended learning activities through Learning Science and Mathematics Together (LeSMaT) in a borderless world [LeSMaT (Borderless)].
Various students-centred teaching and learning approaches were introduced in the OER and ODL modules. These include values-based Project-based Activities (PBA), Problem-based Learning (PBL), Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), Inquiry-based Learning (IBL) integrating Science/Technology/Environmental Education/Economics/ Engineering/Arts/ Mathematics/Social Science (STEEAMS) approaches supported by interactive digital tools and Blended Learning (BL) platforms. All these approaches stimulate thinking skills of students who strive forward as producers of new knowledge. Various events and competitions were also organized to serve as platforms and catalysts of change, for example forum and networking that was organized under ‘Search for SEAMEO Young Scientists’ (SSYS) biennially held congress as well as the recently conducted ‘Champion School award’ (CSA) competition.